Addisyn Faith Hart was born on 1/5/2010 at 6:16 pm. She weighed in at a healthy and lovely 7 lbs 4 ounces and is 19.5 inches long. She is a bundle of love and Steve and I think she is the smallest most precious being on this earth.
The labor story:
Steve and I went in for a 9:00pm appointment at Christiana Hospital on Monday January 4, 2010. We got there about 30 minutes early and so I was checked in, dressed in a gown, and hooked up to an IV shortly after 9:00pm. We were scheduled and waiting for a foley bulb catheter to be placed in my cervix to begin to induce labor. Due to the increased number of C- Sections that evening, I didn't get my catheter until 2:00am in the morning. Around 5:00am we began Pitocin and my contractions were already starting. When the doctor came in to check me, I was only four cm dilated but I already had strong contractions so I asked to get the epidural. After a few hours, the epidural began to wear off and I was still 4 cms dilated with strong contractions so they came in and reinserted the epidural. After the epidural was placed again, I fell asleep for a lovely 2 hours and woke up 8 cm dilated. It turns out, I just needed to relax a bit. Within the hour, I progressed to 10 cms and felt the urge to push by 3:45 pm. It was about 30 minutes into pushing that I realized there was no comfort with the epidural. Luckily my friend who is a nurse anesthetist noticed that as well (probably from the moaning and crying coming from my room). She had someone top off the epidural and from there it was all about pushing. With the support of my husband and the wonderful nurse...I pushed for about another two hours and low and behold at a quarter past six, our little girl was ready to make her arrival.
After the delivery:
We were placed in another room around 11:00pm that evening and we had lots of nurses, pediatricians, and doctors come check on me all throughout the night and into the next day. Steve and Addisyn stayed with me the whole time at the hospital and it was a wonderful time together. Although there was very little sleep between Steve and me, we thoroughly enjoyed our time in the hospital cuddling with our little angel. Thursday morning we received the "okay" to come home from the hospital. All of Addisyn's checks went very well and she was taking to nursing like a champion.
First day home:
It was very exciting to bring Addisyn home and to see all the things that we have collected over the last nine months. I think she loves all of her things. Our wonderful church family has signed up to bring us a meal for the next seven days. This has been a huge blessing because I feel like I don't have any time in the day to do anything (and it is only day five). We also had Steve's boss come and visit with us the first day and it was great to visit with her and to show off our little angel.
Addy's Grandma Broadhurst arrived the first night home from the hospital and at the right time. We were absolutely exhausted and she has been a huge help with Addisyn. She also allowed us to get some much needed sleep on the first night. Grandpa arrived for a brief visit on Saturday into Sunday but had to leave today. Grandma Broadhurst will be with us until Wednesday. Then we get to see Nana for a whole week when she flys to come visit her first grandaughter all the from California. I will be posting another blog with more pics of the Grandparents and Nana's visit after Nana departs on the 21st.